I know what you're thinking. "Is Elizabeth fit to be a mother?" Yes she's stuck in the grate of my stove. But this was post-removal of the kitchen stools. This child cannot be kept out of ANYTHING, despite all my childproofing efforts. So, those of you who talk to me on a regular basis know how frustrating this dilemma of outsmarting a barely two-year-old has been. But, I feel Whitney deserves some applause for recent improvements to her mischievous behavior. I'm not sure what it is, but she's been a little (and I stress "little") better lately. Hey, I'll take any bit I can get! She's not on the counter quite as much. She hasn't smeared butter on the counter or cupboards in a couple of weeks. I don't have to duck tape
every diaper on. She's clothed about half the time, as opposed to a quarter of the time. I now have some use for the seat belt on the shopping cart now that Whitney chooses not to slither out of it and stays put. It's been a while since she took a bath with all her clothes on. Wait ... no. I take that back. She did that last night, but it had been a while before last night. I haven't gotten the Spot Shot out for poop-portraits in a while. I've brought the stools back into the kitchen. So it's been easier to see the sweet, loving little baby girl who is my Whitney. Mad props to Whitney. Love you baby!