we took the kids to disneyland last week. what a blast!! i think we had even more fun than the kids, and the kids had A LOT of fun. i hadn't been since i was 12 and i had forgotten how cool it is. the kids were at full speed all day every day so we were all totally pooped when we got home. just a few pics of the trip.
the first ride of the trip
nikki very pleased that she didn't crash her car. she really thought she was in total control of the car and got very anxious every time we rounded a corner.
lego heaven
doesn't that look delicious? those are all legos.
this was the longest line we waited and it was only about 25 minutes long.

buzz light year was a favorite. for obvious reasons.

on a merry-go-round
teacups 1
teacups 2
i'm going to disneyland!!!
our roller coaster stopped at the top of the matterhorn. after about 15 minutes of sitting some employees came out of a door on the side of the mountain and walked us down. the kids were so excited that we got to go INSIDE the mountain and see how it all worked.
here's nikki on the inside of the matterhorn. i know. very privileged v.i.p. guests.

do you think nikki was excited?
whitney and devan were passed out while we watched a parade.
everyone, except max, is asleep here. i think this means they had a good time.
thanks, wade, for sponsoring this send-the-pillings-to-disneyland event!