how do you properly celebrate turning three? ask whitney. she'll tell you all about it.

first of all, there's a birthday cat, whithout a doubt, to have and to hold and to cuddle in bed (the cat's bed) and to name Sasafrass which, when called by a new three-year-old, owns the cutest three syllabals known to man,

and which, when obeyeing the new three-year-olds beckoning, brings the BIGGEST smile to a birthday girl's face.

of course, there's some getting used to a new finger on the still chubby baby hand that's so accustomed to two,

and, certainly, there should be tinkerbell-donning birthday cakes

complete with the bluest tongue-staining frosting availabe.

and birthday smiles

and birthday smirks

and birthday poses too.

and don't forget the hugs and kisses.

oh, and a party too rediculously big for any three year old.

and so, we have more love for this three-year-old than seems possible to have aquired for her in the three short years we've had her, but that's how it works with your kids - constantly baffeled by how attached you seem to have become to them. this one for sure