a couple of weeks ago wade and i took a little trip to st. john. it's the smallest of the three u.s. virgin islands, and the quietest. we thought it would be the perfect time to take a trip, just the two of us, before the baby comes.
i didn't realize how exhausted i was until we got there and all i wanted to do was sit and nap on the beach.
it was perfect.
these pics are kind of boring. just lots of blue water and white sand.

one day we went over to the british virgin islands to see the
baths, an amazing jumble of house-sized boulders that were spewed up long ago by a volcano. the pile of boulders creates a labyrinth of tunnels and "rooms" and secret passageways. i stuck to the more defined routs to avoid getting my belly jammed and stuck in some precarious position. wade made his own way climbing in and out of crevices. i kept thinking how much whitney would have LOVED this place.

wade did a few scuba dives and a deep sea fishing trip while i, you guessed it, sat on the beach and read my book.
can you believe that water?
we did lots and lots of snorkeling, my favorite thing to do when i'm pregnant.
you know, suddenly weightless. i always fall asleep.
this was just what we needed.
thanks mom for holding down the fort!