what she says, for my records
she's almost 14 months.
and she thinks she's funny.
cuz' she is.
here is what her vocab consists of to date:
"ho" - hello
(said with her hand held to her ear like a phone)
"duh-doo" - love you
"day-doo" - thank you
"ni-nee" - nikki
"maaaa" - max
"daw" - dog
"miw" - milk
"mo" - more
"nummeenummeenummee" - when she wants to eat
(which is always)
and her favorite and most frequently used word,
ask her anything and she'll tell you "NO!"
fly lover
devan's chillin' on the couch while i clean the kitchen (which no one would ever suspect i do, since it's never EVER clean), and i hear her giggle, then say,
"stop that, tiff. you're tickling me".
no one's around.
imaginary friend?
multiple personalities?
"you can't just tickle me!"
"who you talking to, dev?"
"just tiff."
"who's that?"
"the fly."
"you're naming the flies?"
"yup. this one's tiff and that one's kirby."
i just hope the swatted, piled up flies in my garbage can don't have names too.
missing that blue blue blue
being the responsible parents that we are, we usually try to take a family trip the second week of school. things are a lot less busy that time of year... for whatever reason.
we went back to the bahamas this year, because we loved it so much last time.
it's just so so blue.
so soft, white, sand-between-your-toes wonderfully warm.
and so blue.
did i say that already?
these toasted marshmallow cheeks made me so happy all week long.
this girl and water are a goooood mix.
you can imagine what a good mood she was in all week.
re-apply and re-apply some more.
thanks to katelynn, everyone was accounted for at the end of the week, i got to finish three books, and wade and i actually got to nap on the beach a bit.
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