said nikki on wednesday, the morning of her birthday :
n - mom, do you want to know how fast i can run?
me - how fast?
n - faster than a 4-year-old!
see? she knows 5 is a totally new league of childhood. there's so much more a 5er can do that she couldn't the day before. do i sound a little sad? sorry, i'm not. i'm just worried i won't remember everything she did when she was little or what she was like and that by the time she's 10 this vivid little 5-year-old will seem so long ago and far away.
enough brooding. on to the CELEBRATION!! this little thing is one seriously amazing chick. she has the most unique sense of humor. aside from the normal potty humor that i'm hoping comprises the bulk of most 5-year-old's comedic repretua(sp?) (please tell me the amount of poop, fart, bum jokes i hear out of this girl is normal) she has a wittiness that runs quite a bit deeper. almost morbid. okay, totally morbid at times, but full of thought and comparison and insight.
her sense of wonder amazes me. she makes up the most interesting games.
n - "mom. let's play 'i know what a group of things is.' what's a group of trees?"
me - "a forest."
n - "right!"
me - "what's a group of ants?"
n - "an army!"
and so on
other favorite games:
-i know what things are made out of
- tell a story from your mouth (no books allowed, only imaginations)
-(possibly my favorite) guess that smell
beyond what i think is a more intricate way of thinking, maybe because i tend to be a shallow thinker, but also because i think nikki's pretty neat, this little girl has such a soft, sugary center. if you need some loving she's there to provide. if you need to be forgiven because you're so very far from the parent she deserves, she always forgives and forgives again with nothing but love and acceptance.
true to say that nikki is a gleaming ray of sunshine in our home and we all love her. a lot.
happy birthday.